Monday, January 13, 2014

The Secret Garden Connection

It's all connected. I watched our children's performance in the Missoula Children's Theater at Hardin Middle School this evening, January 10, 2014. It was an awesome performance, well done in every way. This play illustrated the importance of interconnections between all living things and the natural world.  As a career educator, it also got me thinking about the concept of holistic learning and integrated instruction, educators' jargon for learning that occurs naturally among the young.


During the performance, children were turned into flowers, bugs, fireflies, geese, and squirrels. Three characters, portrayed as human, illustrated how illness and dysfunction come about when we are disconnected from the earth, sea or sky. Each of the three learned to be reconnected with life and others of their kind. The secret garden held, and holds for children everywhere, the secret power of learning how to learn through honing those connections.


I began learning this lesson sixty years ago, roaming the timbered hills of my childhood Iowa farm acreage, armed with a .22 squirrel rifle.  I was honing my marksmanship in the nutted tops of hickory trees.  I prided myself in dropping my prey straight to the ground, using a clean headshot.  My brothers and sister competed with each other for proof of this skill. I liked to think I came out on top consistently.


One Friday evening, arguing over our respective marksmanship while the last cows were milking, I made the claim that tomorrow I would take our Benjamin BB gun and bring home at least one squirrel, maybe two. I knew, with four pumps, I had the power to penetrate and kill. I stuck a few dozen BB's in my pocket the next morning and headed out. Not far over the fence into the deep timber a young squirrel sat on a snag of a hickory tree barely ten yards away and barked at me. He was my first victim. I found that I needed to use three shots instead of just one because my first headshot was not fatal.


I should have stopped right there, lesson learned. However, I was ignoring the carefully instilled teachings of my father about taking wild game with as little suffering as possible. In my family we hunted to eat, not to torture animals. 


My next opportunity was a squirrel burying acorns under an oak. I was either not seen, or ignored, because I could get close enough for a fatal BB shot, or so I thought. But the squirrel was not stationary. My shot broke his back, a painful injury that disabled his back legs. I watched and desperately tried to reload my single shot BB gun and pump it for a fatal shot. He crawled up that hollow oak with his hind legs dragging, and dropped into a hole as I shot wildly and missed. That's when my father's training rose up to my awareness. I went home with one squirrel, gave the meat to my mother who placed it in a saltwater bowl in the icebox, and said nothing about it to my siblings.


That night I had nightmares. I was the one shot in the back, screaming like that squirrel, struggling to climb and scratching my fingernails on my headboard instead of a tree trunk. My brother shook me awake and asked what I was screaming about. Confused and in pain, I said it was a crazy dream. 


The children who performed tonight will not need an event like mine to bring them into respect for life. They had the chance to use all their senses in learning, as they sang, danced, and acted.  They were able to synchronize and attune with others around a theme of connections.  In our rush for academic attainment, this approach to learning is one that we must not forget. 


How much better to structure classrooms around relationship-building and activity, rather than sedentary bubbling of test answer sheets. Learning through peer connections and integrated instruction can still invite district disapproval. But this proven teaching approach is not about watering down or sugar-coating education in order to make it easier for kids. It's about creating natural and powerful experiences that change perceptions for life. When learning is meaningful and enjoyable there's no need to fight the drudgery and motivational lags that defeat the goals of schooling.


The pain of experiencing that squirrel's scream in my dream long ago returned to my memory while watching the children tonight.  But the joy of learning I saw on their faces, as they connected with the animal world, defeated it. Their enthusiastic synchronized gestures, singing and acting together made the Secret Garden's lesson a more powerful tool for education than the plot itself.


David Graber

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Responsibility and Deception

It’s hard to imagine a higher calling than that of defending our country through military service. We have a large number of veterans here in Big Horn County who took on this task for us. Many of them have experienced, first hand, the awesome responsibility of carrying out orders from their superior officers to take the lives of other human beings. It takes great trust to do this. Killing others of our kind is an awesome responsibility. In order to suspend our personal sense of right and wrong, we must believe that our government got it right. We must believe that our actions are furthering a greater purpose and protecting our deepest ideals. 

Many of our older veterans cannot conceive of our American government lying, or hiding errors, inappropriately placing our troops in harms way, or creating missions tainted with falsehood and deception. We all desperately want to believe that in such heavy matters our government will get it right.

Unfortunately, it often turns out that governments promote violence for the wrong reasons.  The Christmas story tells of Herod, Roman Tetrarch of Judea. He sent out a wide network of soldiers to find and kill all infant boys in Bethlehem and surrounding towns.  This was an attempt to protect the empire from the predicted influence of Jesus. Like today, overkill and lying had good intentions: eliminate insurrectionists threatening Pax Romana, the Empire’s way of securing peace, in outlying provinces like Judea and Galilee.

Herod’s lie is still around. Powerful governments still hide brutal destruction of perceived enemies, and cover collateral damage—killing of innocents—with an aura of righteousness. Any criticism of our government doing its job is considered unpatriotic and even seditious.  Remember the Patriot Act and government spying on peace churches like Quakers and Mennonites in the aftermath of 9-11. Yes, they opposed the war, but it’s hard to imagine a less threatening group of protestors. 

There should be a place for debate in a healthy democracy. Everyone is not going to agree with the use to military action, even when it appears to be justified. Yet lately, more evidence is coming to light that our government/media complex has come up with outright lies to justify increasing use of force in the Middle East. Accurate information regarding exactly what and when our government representatives were planning for military action has been difficult to uncover.  Choices shrouded in secrecy led to inconceivable bloodshed and draining of almost a trillion of our tax dollars.  Many Americans are still not sure what we have gained from the sacrifices of our military families (and national coffers) over the past 10 years. 

Just this December a movie, “The Last War Crime,” censored in the United States since its debut at the Cannes film festival last year, can now be seen. I tried to find it at the time of its release, but it was not available anywhere. Our Hollywood moguls, the theater industry, motion picture advertisers like You Tube, and the online movie businesses like Netflix threw it into the dustbin.

Luckily God makes good use of dust.  He once transformed it into humans and it’s in us where the Spirit and common sense can move together.  Our veterans in Big Horn County need a big thanks this Christmas for their honorable service.  We especially appreciate their valiant efforts to get right this awesome responsibility for the death of fellow human beings. We owe it to them and ourselves to make sure we’re on the right path each and every time we pursue military action.  With our help, and theirs, the hope of nations for real peace can be conceived and born again here, in our time.

This 2014 again we need a star to guide us. “The Last War Crime” could help us, like the Christmas star, become a guide to uncover the truth behind the lies of the last wars and find the Jesus who came to bring peace on earth. The film begins with reliable factual information on what was said and done and when, centering on the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Then, in the second half of the film, the narrative turns from history to fantasy, exploring what could have happened (it didn’t) had this evidence been used for a grand jury indictment of one of our highest government officials. The film retrieves from the dustbin of media neglect what major actors from Downing Street to Washington DC actually did and said, with confirmation from official government reporting as well as the leaks of Manning, Assange or Snowden. To find the DVD, available for a contribution to cover shipping, look online “Last War Crime The Pen,” or check this link:

War Tribunal Finds Bush, Cheney Guilty of War Crimes

Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal orders reparations be given to torture victims

- Common Dreams staff

SUN MAY 13, 2012 AT 12:22 PM PDT

Bush, Cheney, etc. Convicted of War Crimes by Malasyian NGO

Nigeria, Spain
The Obama administration went to the mat to defend its predecessors from a torture prosecution in Spain last year, a leaked State Department cable shows. The cable, released by WikiLeaks this week, shows that senior US diplomats teamed with Republican lawmakers — including a former Republican Party chairman — to put pressure on Spanish officials to drop a criminal investigation into the Bush administration’s use of “enhanced interrogation techniques.”
In the spring of 2009, Spanish Judge Balthasar Garzon launched an inquiry into six Bush officials linked to the torture policy. They were then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales; Cheney adviser David Addington; Pentagon lawyer William Haynes; Pentagon official Douglas Feith; and Jay Bybee and John Yoo from the Office of Legal Counsel.

Spanish judge prosecuted. Given Judge Baltasar Garzón’s success at investigating and prosecuting crimes under international law around the world, it beggars belief that Spanish judicial authorities would seek to prevent him from investigating such crimes in Spain.
Hugo Relva, Legal Adviser at Amnesty International.
Fri, 20/01/2012
“Under international law there are no statutes of limitation for enforced disappearance, torture and other crimes against humanity, and Spain has an obligation to investigate and, if there is sufficient admissible evidence, to prosecute the suspects and to provide full reparations to the victims,” said Hugo Relva

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” 
Isaac Asimov

Probably the most government and secrecy surrounding killing of innocents involves our drone warfare. Unavailable in commercial media is information on a drone strike just last month on a wedding procession in Radaa,Yemen, killing 17 extended family members. Certainly, some were relatives of insurrectionists, if not terrorists, against the CIA-supported regime. Since our government continues a policy of secrecy regarding particular drone strikes such as this, information comes only from civilians and independent media sources.

Information on the most important city geographically in the history surrounding Jesus’ birth:

Lawyers Against the War (LAW) is a Canada-based committee of jurists and others who oppose war and advocate for adherence to international humanitarian law and against impunity for violators.
World Can't Wait is a US-based movement formed to halt and reverse the terrible program of war and repression, initiated by the Bush/Cheney regime as well as the on-going crimes that continue to this day – War Criminals Watch is a project of World Can’t Wait –
CODEPINK is a US women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end US- funded wars and occupations, to challenge militarism globall, and to redirect our resources into health care, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities –

Read a page from WMD, Nukes and Nuns
 By William Strabala
This is available on line

Anyone interested in military strategies in our most recent wars should read the following, on our Afghanistan war: “Limits of counterinsurgency doctrine in Afghanistan,” on Global Affairs, Sept/Oct 2013, by the Council on Foreign Relations:

 An analysis from the government gives
War in Afghanistan: Campaign Progress,
Political Strategy, and Issues for Congress
Catherine Dale
Specialist in International Security
December 17, 2013

Salvaging the war in Afghanistan

JUL 23, 2013
CSIS published a PDF in May giving a thorough analysis with perspective of a large spectrum of experts experienced in Afghanistan:

David Graber
Hardin, MT  59034