Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Against All Odds

Against All Odds Light Shines

An unbelievable procession of light in the gathering cold and darkness, all the way down Lodge Grass School Hill

The night before Christmas Eve my wife Bonnie and I left our house for our car. We were met with a wall of cold air.  Who could think of mounting a horse or a float and parading in this cold? No. They will surely call it off. We went because we were curious, having seen a facebook page from Bethyana and the young people of the Valley of the Chiefs announcing the daring event. Subconsciously I already knew, from being with the Lodge Grass Indians Band in three back-to-back state BB tournament wins, folks from the Valley of the Chiefs are keen on doing the impossible. I only was aware we could stop in with friends there as the inevitable happened. They surely would turn sensible in the cold, and call off parading.   

The sun set before we crossed the tracks by the store. We drove up school hill. I expected an empty parking lot by the school. But I couldn’t miss the heavy traffic. Once on top, through the frosted windows of our car we saw an amazing sight in the school parking lot.  It looked like the summer pow wow parade time gathering at Gas Cap Junction. Horse were being bridled and saddled, and decked with Pendletons. Floats were being loaded with antlers, greens, and boxes for seats, and there were bags of candy. But something was different. Christmas lights! On horses, pickups, floats, and even on people. We watched as horses stamped and steamed frozen fog. We watched children and adults pulling off gloves to tie on lights and decorations, and quickly replacing the gloves. When everyone began wrapping blankets and scarfs around themselves and mounting horses, floats and pickup cabs, we hurried to the bottom of school hill to catch a good view.

By then dusk had descended to velvet dark blue, and the horses’ breathing fogged enough to play with the lights coming down the hill. The visual effects were stunning, and hard to record with a camera. In my simple cell phone view I caught several images of a cross, a star, of the mingling of the fog, silhouetting horses and riders. It gave a visual impression of a choir of angels descending school hill to the town below.

As the procession wound through Lodge Grass, crowds of cars joined us with only a few people braving the cold to actually stand outside and watch.  My guess is that the size and strength of this parade has not been exceeded for a good while.

Everyone ended up in the warmth of the community hall. The enthusiasm and bond of love in the crowd of hundreds was celebrated. The victory of light in Lodge Grass was capped with hot chocolate, several pots of stew and a crisp party mix.  A large contribution of gifts ensured that every child got at least one present, with carefully orchestrated handouts, and a push dance special. What an amazing victory over cold and darkness. I won’t miss next year, after this first annual Lodge Grass Christmas Parade.  It was a miracle of light defeating cold and darkness. Thanks to these young people, and the families that support them!                                              --Dave Graber, band director at LG 1986-2001.

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