Thursday, November 6, 2014
When troubled children grow up
Monday, October 20, 2014
The Big Lie
The worst damage from deception comes from truth that is slightly twisted.
Thousands of us in Big Horn County will line up to vote in the midterm elections. Across the nation, hundreds of thousands will have more difficulty casting their ballots than they did two years ago. Why? Because powerful people don’t want them to vote. Of course, new voter ID laws do make the possibility of voter fraud slightly more difficult. But that truth is twisted around to cover the big lie. The true motive of powerful out-of-state people backing LR126 (on the ballot in Big Horn County) is to move away, not toward, the principles of democracy in our Constitution.
Our nation was founded on the principle of “one man, one vote.” At that time, John Adams and others meant a vote for rich (or at least financially self-sufficient), white men, only. Yet, our constitution did vest power with people instead of with wealth (especially royalty in England). More importantly, our constitution was designed primarily to limit the power of a few over many. That American experiment, however limited, set in motion amazing changes here that other nations’ kings and rulers watched in alarm.
It took a while to expand our nation’s concept of who should vote. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves. This was quickly followed by successful efforts to limit the power of former slaves, including rights to own property, to obtain an education (now considered a property right), and to vote.
Equal access to voting rights in the United States has been a long and hard won crusade for many groups of people. In Montana, our own Jeanette Rankin led a coalition eventually giving suffrage (voting and office holding) rights to women. Her efforts to expand these voting rights to sharecroppers and blacks were frustrated. Most southern states refused the new public school laws, citing Black inferior intellectual ability. But the struggle went on.
Then came the freedom schools in the South in the sixties. Black people learned our Constitution, found how to register to vote and filled out the papers. Many overcame the grueling obstacles to running for public office and to accessing polling places. This was not an easy feat, as the voting process was set up, then, for the purpose of discouraging the Black vote.
American Indians faced similar obstacles. As recently as 2003, the right to citizenship of the Tohono O’odham tribe in Topawa, AZ was being questioned. Tribal elders told me about their reluctance to protest the practice bombing raids that were being conducted by the US military on their village. These raids caused windows to break and livestock to abort . Yet, the people were fearful of speaking out, lest their citizenship be revoked. Arizona politicians, knowing the Indian vote bends Democratic, argued that because many of their relatives live across the border in Mexico, the Tohono are not really US citizens. As the tribal elders said to me, “We won’t risk our hard-won rights to citizenship in this great country.”
The seeds for democracy planted in our constitution should not be taken lightly. The “blessings of liberty” are precious indeed to many peoples rendered powerless through circumstance of birth or heritage. Our definition of access and fairness has rightly expanded over time. Now we believe that even women, minorities, and those living in poverty should have access to the wealth created by their own labor. They should be able to reap from the ground on which they live and to access the legal protections we all enjoy.
Now for the first time since our nation was founded we are backing down on these voting rights. We are creating excuses to whittle away at people’s basic rights in order to engineer election outcomes. States are redistricting and putting in all sorts of barriers to keep certain people from voting, with legislation written and disinformation funded by powerful interests fearful of losing their power. This is the opposite of getting out the vote campaigns. Once again, like in the 60’s, it takes vigilance to vote if one is poor. Be organized, plan ahead, work the right kinds of hours or don’t vote. This change is connected with a recent surge in virtual slavery in America (Michelle Anderson, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness).
Will we rescind our status as the world’s beacon for democracy, under pressure from the American Legislative Exchange Council and other so-called “conservative” new royalists? Here in Montana, even in Big Horn County, we have been deluged with their propaganda. Do we believe voter registration will somehow improve our voting process for Democracy? Research proves otherwise. It only serves the elites’ purpose of suppressing votes of the poor and less powerful. So, when we cast our vote on LR 126, let’s carefully consider what we’re really choosing. Do we value expediency over fairness or do we value equal access to civil rights over the power of wealth? November, 2014
“How to Suppress the Vote”
by Bob Smietana IN THIS YEAR'S midterm elections, hundreds of thousands of Americans will have a much more difficult time casting their ballots than they did two years ago. And it won’t be because of rain, or early winter snows, or other acts of God. It will be because powerful people don’t want them to vote. Why? They stand to gain politically if the “wrong” people can be kept away from the polls. It’s the opposite of a “get out the vote” campaign—“keep out the vote” describes it better.
Michelle Anderson, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Have felons been proliferating at a rate we are afraid might dilute the rational vote of the rest of us? We should start looking at our felon factories. If this scares us to the point we want to deprive them of citizenship, we should ask what’s really happening and why, with a little scientific research. “Once in a great while a book comes along that changes the way we see the world and helps to fuel a nationwide social movement. The New Jim Crow is such a book. Praised by Harvard Law professor Lani Guinier as "brave and bold," this book directly challenges the notion that the election of Barack Obama signals a new era of colorblindness. With dazzling candor, legal scholar Michelle Alexander argues that "we have not ended racial caste in America; we have merely redesigned it." By targeting black men through the War on Drugs and decimating communities of color, the U.S. criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of racial control—relegating millions to a permanent second-class status—even as it formally adheres to the principle of colorblindness. In the words of Benjamin Todd Jealous, president and CEO of the NAACP, this book is a "call to action.” From Amazon’s reviews.
“The term "prison–industrial complex" (PIC) is used to attribute the rapid expansion of the US inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and services…”
David Graber
Hardin, MT
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Retreat from Common Sense
At some point over the past 50 years, the term gov’ment became a cuss word among the common citizenry. I think most of us, including the media pundits, spend a fair amount of time talking about all the things that are broken in our country. I think that maybe the break-down of basic good sense accounts for people’s unhappy views of their governing bodies. It may also explain some of the roiling party-based rhetoric that keeps us mired in bad policies. Let’s take a recent Supreme Court decision and compare that with some country critter conflicts.
We have 30 turkeys and 40 roosters at our farm. We use corn to attract them to nearby roosts within pre-dawn capturing distance for the coming fall harvest. When the sun is hanging low, one of my grandsons grabs a bucket of whole corn and scatters it on the driveway. The roosters and turkeys battle each other for the kernels. But the battle is not fair or balanced. The turkeys are larger and their beaks longer and sharper. Sometimes a brave (or really hungry) rooster will stand up to a turkey, and the two will go all out dueling with flying feathers while slightly calmer members of both species snap up the kernels. It’s entertaining to watch. But then, when it’s over, they now find their way to the right roosts.
Our current Supreme Court reminds me of these quarreling birds. It is dividing the country again. Five justices are Republican. Four are democrat. All nine spout that their opinions are fully founded upon fealty to the first amendment of our constitution. But look. The five Republican appointees, alluding to their evolving new interpretation of that document, celebrate the concentration of money and power wrought by granting access to our public platforms commensurate with dollars instead of votes. As a result, the power of government we have learned to disdain is no longer vested in all of us, of the people, by the people, for the people. It has become government of, by, and for an elite few at the top.
Away from Washington D.C. many of us are becoming more bipartisan. Some 70% of us normal American citizens, regardless of political party, are fed up. We no longer support Citizens United. In spite of the patriotic sound of the phrase, Washington insiders, mostly Republican and some Democrats, are leading to the most demonstrably undemocratic outcomes since those cherished by King George before our 1st amendment became our law.
The writers of our constitution desired freedom from the yoke of British kings and corporations. Freedom to speak, practice ones own religion, and assemble freely as citizens were hallmarks of our new American democracy. It gave voice to the voiceless, protecting rights to address abuses by the powerful and wealthy British elite. Citizens United has dismantled already many of these freedoms, while using the language of citizen’ rights. Their priorities for corporate domination remove the natural restraint of “one citizen one vote.” In a government ruled by common sense, big money would not be allowed to drown out the voice of American citizens, those real human beings who were once endowed with inalienable rights.
In my hometown, there used to be the town square and fairground commons, where anyone with a yen to yell could do so. I remember mostly sellers of snake oil being the yellers. They could jump on their wagon or soapbox (height regulated) and shout out their message for a little money or attention. But since amplifiers were either forbidden or not yet available, every citizen's one voice attained fairly equal modulation from the Creator's own provision of vocal chords.
It’s time our supreme court reviews their history and uses a little common sense. Meantime, we the people need to stop tolerating these turkeys telling us money can talk with the biggest megaphone it can buy (and that it needs 1st amendment protection to do so). It’s not hard to figure out that what the elitists really want is to make permanent their absconding of our American form of government, replacing it with an aristocratic republic.
Unfortunately, money first and votes only secondly, make politicians successful. Without that money, votes simply won’t happen. Since the old “truth and fairness” and “equal time” policing of the media is long gone, moneyed interests have taken over the soapbox and grabbed all the corn.
I’m hopeful that it’s still possible to restore some of the good common wisdom of ordinary people into our government, if we can figure out a way to ignore the clamoring and sleight of hand tactics used to “inform” us today. There are lots of grassroots efforts evolving around issues of importance to us commoners. In the meantime, my grandson has orders not to let our turkeys rule the corn. He is to scatter the kernels as widely as he can, so everyone has a chance, and no one-percent turkeys can abscond with over half and squawk they have a constitutional right to that corn.
David Graber
Hardin, MT
Monday, October 13, 2014
The Real Heroes
They say the recording of history is left to the victors. Those who conquer other civilizations are left to define the heroes and villains of brutal campaigns, and the innocents have no voice. Here in the United States, we are not immune from that tradition. In fact, when some school districts attempt to teach a balanced perspective on historical events, they are often accused of encouraging young people to “spit on the graves of their ancestors.”
When I started school back in the 1940s, I remember being fascinated with the story of Columbus’ discovery of America. The beautiful tale of bravery and exploration captured my young imagination. I remember drawing pictures of the three ships with their names on the sails. Queen Isabel’s decision to pawn her royal jewels to finance his courageous voyage impressed me. Columbus’ courage to sail, uncertain he might fall off the edge of the earth, caught my fancy so much I started to draw an ocean precipice with the Santa Maria sideways tumbling off and sailors hanging onto the big sail. My teacher saw, and told me I should draw what really happened.
What did really happen? Today, most of us know that many Europeans had visited American shores many times before Columbus arrived. Queen Isabel did not pawn her jewels. Columbus actually borrowed money from Spanish Royalty to finance his first trip. He promised a large profit to these powerful investors assuming the best, but was plagued with fear of debtors prison upon returning empty handed. Columbus did not find his quick route to the riches of the East. The gold he did find was mostly rumors. Desperate for a marketable commodity to repay his loan, he seized by force 1200 Taiwa Indians and crammed as many as he could into his ships to sell in the Seville slave market back in Spain.
Thus began a 500 year campaign of greed and lust on the part of Europeans. The subsequent extermination of people and long-standing civilizations is one of the saddest chapters on human history.
Our own community is a testament to the power of myth. For many decades, Custer was hailed as a hero, praised for his martyrdom in spreading civilization and religion to indigenous peoples. We see that differently now, also.
Yet, there are some real heroes from Columbus’ time our youth could emulate. One example is Bartholome de Las Casas. He was there on the streets of Seville the day Columbus arrived back in Spain with his first cargo of Indian slaves. He would have seen the hundreds of survivors, some his own age of 8 years. Instead of seeing these people as chattel, he saw them as sorrowful and blameless human beings in chains before Queen Isabel and the citizens of Seville. On that day he may have locked eyes with a Taiwa child, and begun building a child’s empathy for fellow humans. This was the day that God placed upon this young man the makings of a true hero.
Bartholome grew up to be an influential scholar, historian, and social reformer. Back in the mid 1500’s, some of his writing went viral. He had a part in overturning the theology that indigenous people of the Americas lacked redeemable souls. In addition, his early theological and legal arguments against slavery spread eventually to the United States, helping inspire language in our own constitution. His ideas helped build our Abolitionist movement and inspired our civil rights movement, centuries later.
It’s interesting that we don’t learn more about this influential figure in American history. Here is an example of a real hero who could inspire school children to consider the impact of our actions and join in the fight for the same justice issues at root in our Revolutionary War. Not as flashy as Columbus’ ships falling off the edge of the earth, but perhaps a little more realistic.
When the revisionist history around Columbus’ Day is addressed, like it often is now across classrooms in Big Horn County, celebrations previously justifying the evil of empire could become truly inspirational. We could use this holiday to examine our own roots and religious heritage for real heroes to emulate.
The following is not included in the Big Horn County News column:
Columbus’ criminal rampage in our hemisphere should not be taught in our elementary schools. Along with the Jewish holocaust, this is material to encounter in high school at the earliest. We have plenty of real heroes to honor, people who committed their lives to our freedom and peaceful safety: Florence Nightingale, John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Betty Williams, and Jesus and his disciples in Bible times. These were people who discovered what is best in the human soul, not an island in the Caribbean. Mass murderers like Christopher Columbus, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler and Napoleon Bonaparte do not belong in a place of honor in our schools.
Columbus left a contingent of troops in a stockade built from one of the ships to guard the remaining captives. Eventually, the residents of Hispaniola roused from their peaceful ways, stormed the stockade, killed all the Spaniards Columbus left behind, and freed their loved ones. When Columbus returned with a larger contingent, the slaughter of the Taiwa began in earnest. Their daughters were raped, children, fathers and mothers separated, and massive numbers enslaved until they died digging for gold in the mountains. Columbus’ frantic search soon turned from gold to humans. The word got out, and American nations turned from their relatively peaceful ways to fight off the Spanish conquistadors. But without guns and swords to balance the conflict, it simply brought on more atrocity. Eventually, the genocide may have exceeded that of Hitler, but since no one took account of Indian deaths there is no proof.
If he were alive today, he would almost certainly be awaiting execution. His reign of terror throughout the islands between Yucatan and Florida was so horrific it exceeds the level of crimes against humanity even of Saddam Hussein. Some three million people were put to death over three decades, many with horrendous pain, unspeakable cruelty, and slow agonizing torture. He was a criminal, inviting or forcing his men into unspeakable acts against the children and adult citizens of the nations beginning with Hispaniola.
We still have in Big Horn County a revisionist history in Columbus Day. Our rich mix of culture and religion in Big Horn County provides the right context to remedy this. The false lessons about Columbus Day popularized for political gain almost a hundred years ago are being understood with an honest investigation of the documents.
We were visited in Big Horn County once with a little Columbus named Custer. The history of that encounter was similarly revised to make him a hero. For years, he fought and subdued Indians in their own homeland, slaughtering their children and elderly when encountering opposition to his greed for gold, land, and political power. It became then, in our national conscience, manifest destiny. But it has changed. We have seen the light. Blessed with descendants from both sides coexisting right here now in Big Horn County, our impetus for peace welling up from the spring of our religious diversity here has overcome much of the hostility. We fortunately ended up memorializing the event that happened on Last Stand Hill, rather than honoring one of those who died there.
Unlike Jesus, or even heroes like Martin Luther King, Custer and Columbus were both shedders of human blood. Columbus was simply the first European Christendom representative to explore this hemisphere. His purpose, far from spreading Christian faith, mutual gain, or even good will, was to extricate gold and human beings for export and sale back across the Atlantic, enhancing the power and wealth of Spain. Custer was simply, we hope, the last. The 500 years of greed and lust by powerful Europeans, started by Columbus, backed by European guns, germs and steel against the nations of this hemisphere, should now be over.
There is a real hero from Columbus’ time our youth could emulate: Bartholome de las Casas. He was there on the streets of Seville the day Columbus arrived back in Spain with is first cargo of Indian slaves. There had to be some reason God placed upon this young man the makings of a true hero.
Back in the mid 1500’s, some of his writing went viral. He had a part in overturning the theology that indigenous people of the Americas lacked redeemable souls. In addition, his early theological arguments against slavery spread eventually to the United States, helping inspire language of our constitution. His ideas helped build our Abolitionist movement and inspired our civil rights movement.
Casas' first book prompted an investigation by the Catholic church of practices of slavery and genocide in the new world beginning with Columbus, "The Only Way."
"Bartolome de las Casas (1484-1566) is the key to the quincentenary debate--should we celebrate or should we weep? His was the main cry against the tragic fate of the Indians, the main cry for reform. Until now, he has been known only from incomplete sources. This book begins his rediscovery in 1992.
Las Casas was barely 18 when he came to America in 1502, spending the next decade as a planter in the West Indies. He befriended the natives, but saw them cruelly massacred and exploited by conquistadors. In 1514 the mounting shock turned him into a defender of the Indians from then until his death at 82. As a priest-colonist, a Dominican friar, a bishop, he fought at court in the New World for their full human rights, using his first book, The Only Way, to great effect. The earliest version produced a papal encyclical on behalf of the Indians, the second motivated an emperor to issue laws protecting them, the third taught a generation of Spanish scholars. Sullivan's translation of The Only Way to Draw All People to a Living Faith lets us hear Las Casas in full at last. The familiar horrors and denunciations are all there, but so is a gentle voice filled with compassion and yearning for peace. For centuries, the treatise influenced mission theory and practice in many lands; modern writers studied its missiology and its relation to his own mission experiment. But this new version--the lost opening reconstructed, the massive proof texts banished, the original form restored--reveals the doctrine that guided Las Casas' career. In it, he pleads for the way of Christ: evangelization by peaceful charity and respect not by "fire and the sword." Sullivan has given us a brilliant rendering of the powerful central version Fray Bartolome composed at Oaxaca in 1539 to change the conscience of Christendom. The work makes the same appeal to conscience today.”
A thoroughly researched documentation on Columbus and Casas is "Bartolomé de las Casas: A Biography," by Lawrence Clayton 2012. See the Amazon description and reviews:
Helen Rand Parish may have done the most over the last decades to uncover the revisionism in the history of Columbus with her research and writings. See the information on Casas in Wikipedia:
Other resources on Casas:
"the indigenous population of Hispaniola, the island where Columbus landed, reduced from 250,000 to 15,000 in two decades due to the war and forced labor. This genocide called the attention of those theologians like Vitoria and Las Casas who were concerned with the morality of the conquest. Nonetheless, as Brian Tierney states: “In the end, all the writings on behalf of the Indians did little or nothing to ameliorate their plight. The battles that were sometimes won in the debating halls of Salamanca and Madrid were nearly always lost among the hard realities of life in Mexico and Peru.”"
Dispossessing the barbarian: the language of Spanish Thomism and the debate over the property rights of the American Indians
Sepulva was Las Casas’ opponent in a debate using law and theology to decide whether Indians in the New World were worthy of Christian protection. Here is Sepulva’s writing: "Just War Against Barbarians," by Juan Gines de Sepulva
Bartolome de las Casas traveled with Columbus and was prominent in advocating for the survival of the population in the Americas being enslaved at that time. His book, "The Tears of the Indians" is available free online through google books. Unfortunately, it's the 1870's translation and the typesetting, as well as vivid descriptions of obscene abuse, makes it a tedious read:
Another book by him, “History of the Indies,” is a much larger work, a current translation available in print, consists of documents and narrative of his largely failed advocacy of full human rights for indigenous citizens of the Americas.
Another summary of his life work is THE DEVASTATION OF THE INDIES: A BRIEF ACCOUNT by Bartolome de Las Casas 1552. This is posted online by the Anchorage School District in Alaska:
Where did this revisionist history come from? The real, original story of Columbus in this hemisphere beginning in1492 lay dormant in the archives of the Catholic church, basically ignored until recently. Our American Knights of Columbus began looking for an American hero kids could look up to. Through lobbying, and no careful investigation of historical sources, Congress agreed in 1934 to honor this courageous explorer. Or so I was taught in Montgomery School in the 50’s.
For information countering the Columbus Day revisionist history accepted as standard history for almost two centuries in America, see
There are problems with this: Columbus was clearly not the first to set foot on Western Hemisphere soil. Leif Ericson was probably the first European to venture here. And decades before Columbus, the Chinese explorer Zheng He is said to have led more than one expedition to this hemisphere. But even more important is the arrogance of it all. It’s almost certain that peoples who first became “Native Americans” arrived here thousands of years ago via Alaska. And then there is the DNA evidence of Polynesians arriving on the west coast of South America long before Columbus and the Vikings.
Following his father’s example, Bartholome de Las Casas sailed to the New World. In Cuba and other Carribbean islands, he was successful in all he did. He was rewarded several times with land tracts, always including the inhabitants as slaves. But his success did not cloud the compassion and sense of gross unfairness apparently implanted in his conscience as an 8-year-old. Such is the interpretation of some historians trying to explain how Las Casas, the first and for many years the only one of the Spanish conquistadors, soldiers and priests to raise a voice in protest against this gross inhumanity.
A very successful soldier in the New World, he was awarded tracts of land with title to inhabitants as well. But he refused to enslave them or kill thim. He used his university education in at least one recorded legal debate against the atrocities in which he was immersed. He addressed successive royalty to promote a better way than that of the conquistadors to convert American nations to Christianity. He even attempted to carve out a separate nation in the vicinity of modern Venezuela to show how indigenous peoples and the invaders could coexist. Finding little or no success in these efforts, he resorted to writing. This was natural, since he was the primary editor of Columbus’ journals. He wrote several books, in his later years recording in grossly atrocious detail his experiences. This made his writing off limits to children. This and the United States’ revisionist history leading to Columbus Day celebrations may explain why his writings have so long been so obscure. Thankfully, we have history teachers here in Big Horn County who know and honor this great hero whose determination to follow God’s commands for the nations would influence our nation’s origin.
Where did this revisionist history come from? The real, original story of Columbus in this hemisphere beginning in 1492 lay dormant in the archives of the Catholic church, basically ignored until recently. Our American Knights of Columbus began looking for an American hero kids could look up to. Through lobbying, and no careful investigation of historical sources, Congress agreed in 1934 to honor this courageous explorer. Or so I was taught in Montgomery School in the 50’s.
There are problems with this: Columbus was clearly not the first to set foot on Western Hemisphere soil. Leif Ericson was probably the first European to venture here. And decades before Columbus, the Chinese explorer Zheng He is said to have led more than one expedition to this hemisphere. But even more important is the arrogance of it all. It’s almost certain that peoples who first became “Native Americans” arrived here thousands of years ago via Alaska. And then there is the DNA evidence of Polynesians arriving on the west coast of South America long before Columbus and the Vikings.
David Graber
Hardin, MT
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Affordable Care: Beyond the Rhetoric
Monday, August 25, 2014
We're not Ferguson
We in the United States have a history of demonstrations, disorder, and even violence. The media typically portrays these as caused by criminals with attitudes or behaviors that reach a tipping point, and violence just happens. But these episodes don’t really happen as unpredictably or randomly as they might seem. After episodes of violence erupt in the streets, we may hear a little talk about the racial or socio-economic factors that led up the explosion. But for those of us who are part of groups historically without political clout, these indicators can be virtually invisible.
My family and I visited friends in St. Louis County in the 1970’s, and I applied for a teaching job in a suburb that was very segregated. The school board was almost all white. Most of the teaching staff and police officers were also caucasian and lived outside the segregated African-American community. Racial profiling affected community members on a daily basis.
This situation has been simmering for a long time. Currently, the rarity of groups working together across racial and economic lines for everyone’s good is like what I witnessed over 40 years ago. Recent reports from Ferguson indicate that the mayor is white, along with five of the six city council members. Reportedly, only three of the 53 Ferguson police officers are black.
Voter turnout in black areas historically has been extremely low, a strong indicator of long term disenfranchisement. Perhaps one alternative to violence would be helping people feel that they have a legitimate voice in political decision-making. Unfortunately, as voter registration booths have recently started springing up in Ferguson, a strong backlash from those in power has begun. In an interview with Breitbart News, Missouri Republican National Committee executive director Matt Wills expressed outrage about the reports of voter registration in Ferguson. “If that’s not fanning the political flames, I don’t know what is,” Wills said, “I think it’s not only disgusting but completely inappropriate.”
Many of us here agree that our government has become less and less trustworthy. But where our politicians and some citizens go wrong is in turning against the basic American principle of how to change our government: by the ballot, instead of by the bullet. It’s written in our constitution, and has been, until recently, practiced with unique tenacity by the Government of the People of the United States of America. That is changing. All across our country, an increasing number of citizens are collecting arms—not for hunting, but because they are preparing to fight government leaders and police. On the other side, Homeland Security legislation has been giving police units across the nation battle gear and military training easily applicable to killing civilians: military-grade body armor, mine-resistant trucks, silencers and automatic rifles.
Fortunately, in Big Horn County, we have a recent history that can potentially counter the problems evidenced in Ferguson. Redistricting, just last year, updated with our new demographics, makes our county a nationwide leader in one-citizen-one-vote power. So our political leadership reflects our demographics racially and economically.
Fortunately, police and Big Horn County citizens have resisted killing each other in recent years. But we need to be sensitive to the events that led up to the recent violence in Ferguson. We need to be vigilant in preserving our right to speak our grievances to those in power. We also need to be aware of how rates of violence against American civilians are reported (or under-reported). Misleading information makes it easier to cover up potential military style missions against U.S. citizens. It also encourages peaceful gatherings to become co-opted by violent groups who hate our government and police.
In the words of a young reporter from Ferguson, “Two hours before curfew, I was photographing at the front of a peaceful march of all generations, calling for justice and peace in Ferguson. It was controlled and respectful. …Without provocation, armored cars rolled up on us. …They methodically backed everyone down a mile-long stretch of road that has been an understood safe space of protest with flash grenades, teargas, armored cars, and shooting rubber bullets and blocks of wood at the protestors in very tight proximity. I have never had 50 guns trained at me before, running with camera gear, hands in the air. The inexcusable and irrational level of violence is terrifying.”
Would any of this be happening if Ferguson leaders imitated the respect for citizen participation in government that exists in Big Horn County? Let’s continue to keep our guns under control, and channel our rage at government by using voting rights confirmed in our history and constitution as a far better way. At the same time, let’s keep working toward non-violent empowerment in decision making for the good of all us citizens.
The following links are not including in the BHCNews edition:
The public information, detailed by county, on procurement via Homeland Security of military weaponry by police units across the nation:
THE shooting of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African-American, by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, is a reminder that civilians—innocent or guilty—are far more likely to be shot by police in America than in any other rich country. In 2012, according to data compiled by the FBI, 410 Americans were “justifiably” killed by police—409 with guns. That figure may well be an underestimate. Not only is it limited to the number of people who were shot while committing a crime, but also, amazingly, reporting the data is voluntary.
Thank God we’re not Ferguson. But let’s pay attention, and continue educating ourselves to the signs on the straight road that would help us avoid the dead ends of Ferguson not only here, but in the entire nation as well.
Lessons from Ferguson
By Jim Hightower
Big Horn County redistricting 2013 and 1986
It can even be hard to comply with orders to disperse. Audio of protests on August 10 has police ordering a crowd to disperse, and within seconds one hears teargas being fired at them. State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal told me that when she – along with about 150 protesters – tried to comply with an order to retreat that night, they ended up trapped in a dead-end street, with police firing teargas at them. Whenever they tried to leave, police told them to “go the other way,” but there was nowhere to go.
Photographer Chris Renteria told me when he tried to comply with an order to disperse on the night of Sunday, August 17, he ended up trapped on an embankment with about 15 other people, where they were penned in by three police armored vehicles. “I would never have put myself in that position,” he said. “As soon as the order was given to disperse, I started backing up.” But events moved too quickly for him, and he got hit by teargas.
Eyewitness: 'The Police Force in Ferguson Is Lying, and I Am Bearing Witness' (PHOTOS)
Editor's Note: Violence, anger, and confusion continues in Ferguson, Mo. Former Sojourners intern and current Digital and Creative Director for PICO Heather Wilson is reporting from the scene and shared her eyewitness account with Sojourners and others late Sunday night. We share it here as an important perspective in the ongoing unrest and confusion. Please keep the safety and wellbeing of all people in Ferguson in your prayers.
More Americans have lost their lives at the hands of police since 9/11 than in acts officially classified as terrorism. A recent study showed that one black man was killed every 28 hours by police, security guards, or self-appointed vigilantes in 2012. The militarization of police departments nationwide and the over-policing of urban neighborhoods have had terrorizing effects on the black population. There are also programs like stop-and-frisk that make racial profiling and over-policing legal. At its peak in 2011, 685,724 people were stopped. Of those stopped 53 percent were black, 34 percent were Latino, and 9 percent were white. Eighty-eight percent of all people stopped were innocent.Gang injunctions are another method of enforcement that lead to racial profiling and the over-criminalization of youth
A National Shame
by Ruby Sales, Susan Smith | August 2014
Police killing of black people is not a black problem. It is an American problem
N AUGUST 1965, when I (Ruby) was 17, I was arrested as part of demonstrations in Lowndes County, Ala., in the Southern freedom movement. After being released from jail in Hayneville, Ala., I walked with three other protesters to buy a soda at the Cash Grocery Store down the street. A volunteer “special deputy sheriff” named Tom Coleman stood at the steps of the store, holding a shotgun. When he aimed it at me, Jonathan Daniels, an Episcopal seminarian from Keene, N.H., pushed me aside and took the shotgun blast intended for me.
Daniels’ murderer—a man trying to kill an unarmed teenage girl—was acquitted by an all-white jury. Even the Alabama attorney general at the time described the verdict as the “democratic process going down the drain of irrationality, bigotry, and improper law enforcement.”
On that awful day almost 50 years ago, I was a teenager, black, and female in a segregated society that perceived me as disposable waste. Today, I have the faith, power, and connections to move the mountain of racial hatred that drives the same state-sanctioned murder that killed Jonathan and many other people during the long and bloody history of segregation.
The good news is that we are all valued children of God. Our question for today is, “What does it mean to be church in the 21st century when too many of our black brothers and sisters are still seen as disposable waste?” This question inspires a different conversation about what it means to build a beloved community while advancing democracy. When we interrogate these issues, we change the way we talk and act in the world.
Sign and send the petition to the Justice Department, and call Eric Holder today. Tell him to pursue an end to police violence nationwide.
David Graber
Hardin, MT
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Spirit Blessed Errors
Thesis statement:
When Jesus came to the Plains Indian nations over a hundred years ago, many errors happened. The Crow and Cheyenne history of song for Christian worship reveals how God, by his Holy Spirit, has transformed those human errors into blessing for His kingdom. Pythagoras and Boethius in ancient European history set mathematically proportional precise tunings for melodies and timing for notes. This enabled music writing, and modal standards in pitch and rhythm for music acceptable in Christian worship in the Holy Roman Empire. Other tribal song, instruments and dance expressions were suppressed. European tribes slowly came to accept these standards by the end of the Middle Ages. Centuries later missionaries came to North America with their God-blest European music and language. They assumed Pythagoras’ math rules trumped any other music or language, which they considered pagan. At the same time, God’s Holy Spirit was clearly gifting thirty-five elders of the Crow tribe with songs by his Holy Spirit. Could their heritage of celebration be God-blest as surely as the European celebration heritage for worship of God? This is the story of how God gave the Apsáalooke nation particular songs and song styles. Mingled with this is also the story of transformation of our humanity, even our pain, and even the utmost human cruelty at the center of the Bible’s salvation story and the story of Jesus.
David Graber
Hardin, MT
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Israel's Most Dangerous Enemy.
The first Arab-run nonprofit legal center in Israel. The organization was established in November 1996 and its main goal is to achieve equal rights and minority rights protection for Arab citizens of Israel.
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel was established in 1972. ACRI is a non-partisan, independent organisation that works for the protection of human and civil rights in Israel and in the territories under its control.
Founded in 1988, HRA works to promote and protect the political, civil, economic, and cultural rights of the Palestinian Arab minority in Israel and to further the domestic implementation of international human rights principles.
Formed in December 1988, the association represents the residents of so-called unrecognized villages and their problems and works to promote support locally and internationally.
The organization was established in May 1999 by planners and architects with the goal of strengthening the connection between human rights and spatial planning in Israel. As a professional organization, Bimkom strives to achieve the right to equality and social justice in matters of planning, development, and the allocation of land resources, and assists communities and minorities affected by social and economic disadvantage and by civil rights' discriminations to exercise their rights in this area.
An Israeli not-for-profit organization that seeks to protect the fundamental rights of Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories by imposing human rights law as a limitation on the behavior of Israel's military.
Non-profit organization established by a group of volunteers in 1990 dedicated to protecting the rights of disadvantaged workers in Israel.
Meezaan Association for Human Rights focuses on maintaining adequate and professional legal representation of the Arab minority in all that concerns it as a native minority on its land; as well as raising awareness amongst the public and the non-profit organizations, throughout giving legal advisory and support as needed. We also concentrate on documenting transgressions and discrimination in every aspect of the Arab minority's existence, through authentic reports and publications that highlight and affirm these violations
An Israeli human rights organization whose main objective is to offer legal and administrative assistance and advocacy to Palestinians of the Occupied Territories whose rights are violated due to Israel's policies. These include Detainee Rights; Residency Rights and Family Unification; Freedom of Movement; Violence by security forces and settlers; House Demolitions and Deportations. HaMoked's site contains information relating to these human rights violations: Israeli laws and regulations; international conventions; petitions to the Israeli High Court of Justice; claims for compensation for damages; decisions by Israeli and other courts; and other official documents and reports.
The organization was established in October of 1997 as a Non Governmental Organization. Mossawa works to promote equality for Arab\Palestinians within the borders of Israel. Mossawa utilizes advocacy methods to change the social and political status of Arab/Palestinians in Israel in an attempt to gain minority recognition and rights, without sacrificing their national and cultural rights as Palestinians.
PHR-Israel, established in 1988, is dedicated to promoting and protecting the medical human rights of residents of Israel and the Occupied Territories. PHR-Israel opposes the subjugation of medical care to political considerations and fights against breaches of medical human rights by the Israeli authorities. PHR-Israel also works to rectify and prevent breakdowns in health care delivery in the West Bank.
An apolitical organization dedicated to the elimination of torture as a means of interrogation by Israel's security forces. PCATI is the only organization in Israel exclusively devoted to the issue of illegal interrogation. PCATI documents, monitors and responds to cases of illegal interrogation, ill-treatment and police brutality within Israel, the Occupied Territories and the Palestinian National Authority.
The only organization in Israel today concerned specifically with giving voice to the Jewish tradition of human rights. RHR has helped numerous individuals, publicized causes, engaged in civil disobedience, lobbied the Knesset and participated in a landmark high court case limiting the scope of the army to abuse human rights under the guise of security.
An Israeli not-for-profit organization comprised of women and men who have come together to take concrete action against the constant human rights abuses inflicted on the Palestinian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The members of the organization come from diverse personal, professional and political backgrounds, but share a deep concern for the significant damage these abuses are causing Palestinian and Israeli societies. To ensure the effectiveness of its action, Yesh Din is assisted by legal, human rights and media professionals.
We have passed 1,000 dead Palestinians. How many more?
Every day Israel's misguided Gaza operation continues, it threatens to overturn and decimate our nation's humane foundation.
July 9, 2014, David Harris-Gershon has an article in Alternet, Posted by Tikkun Daily, “As a Jew living in America, the past week has changed me forever.”
David Graber